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Location, Photos, Notes, Colors, Blood and Mucus Content, Prior Discomfort, Urgency Level and Pain Level, Medication, Evacuation Completeness, Headache, Nausea, Fever, Backache, Cramps, Corn & More!
Review your PoopLog history as an expandable list, separated by month; or display each entry directly on a calendar! Map view coming soon! On large screens, your entry details will be displayed alongside your history!
Pie charts, Bar charts, Scatter charts, Averages, and Totals. PoopLog empowers you to know more about your bowel health, inside and out!
Create, Save, and Share customized reports for anyone to review. Choose between an easy-to-read plain-text report, a rich-text report with embedded photos, or a CSV report which unleashes your data, making it available to import into any spreadsheet or charting app for further analysis.
Every PoopLog entry is viewable as a rich, detailed view. On large screens and tablets, your details will be displayed in a secondary pane alongside your Overview or History views.
When you share any PoopLog entry, you can choose to share only a few, or all of the options attached to that entry (location, note and photo only for example).
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As silly as it is, I developed the original version of PoopLog out of an actual need to track my bowel movements. I suffer from a stomach-related illness and years ago my doctor requested that I track my bowel movements based on the Bristol Stool Scale. At first, I started tracking it on paper, and then on a spreadsheet. I quickly realized my Android phone would be the most convenient tracker, since I often use it on the toilet.
I wrote and released the very first version of PoopLog for Android in July 2010, and continued to update it for about a year, until other projects took my focus. As the Android OS matured, I decided to sketch out what a redesigned PoopLog would look like, including many of the features requested by my users. I worked a few hours every week over the past few years to develop this latest jam-packed update, and I hope that you find PoopLog useful and fun, as silly as it may be.
These weren't original features of PoopLog. For some reason, these were the most requested features from my users so I had no choice but to include them!
Photos are stored to your internal storage in the
folder. You can choose to hide or show PoopLog photos in your device's gallery; this option is configurable through the PoopLog application settings (Settings > Privacy) and the default is to hide any photos taken. While most versions of Android observe this setting and will ignore scanning your photos for the gallery, some versions of Android operate in a non-standard way and will scan everything, regardless of this setting; It has been reported that many Android 4.0 devices suffer from this unfortunate inconsistency.
Location is only available to devices with Google Play Services (for now) and requires Android 3.0 or later.
The following permissions are required for their respective reasons:
Approximate & Precise Location
This permission is required if you wish to add your location to an entry. Your location is never transmitted outside of the app as part of any analytics and no location information is ever transmitted out from your device to anyone, ever, unless you select the share option for a PoopLog entry or report.
Read & Write Internal Storage
This permission is required if you wish to save photos with entries, or if you wish to save a created report, or if you wish to restore or backup your entries. The only non-system folders PoopLog ever looks at are
, &
Read Google Service Configuration
This permission is required as part of the Google Play Services, which is used to obtain your location. PoopLog must check your Google Configuration to see if you have a compatible version of Google Play Services installed in order to obtain your location.
Network Services
This permission is primarily required to obtain maps from Google whenever you choose to add and display your location to an entry. In addition, if you choose to opt-in to analytics, PoopLog will transmit non-identifiable usage data which will help the developer, Kevin, know which PoopLog features are most popular and require further development. The information collected will never contain or pertain to any of your entries, and will only transmit what sections of the app you navigate to. By design, PoopLog user data will never be transmitted outside of the app, unless an entry or report is directly shared.
Some apps contain a flaw where it believes you are attempting to share a link, rather than share text. If you are having an issue with a particular app, feel free to email me. and I'll see what I can do to support it!
The update to version 2.5 took me over 3 years to complete , and I still have more ideas. Most immediately, a Map History View will display your PoopLog entry locations around the world, or just around your town. Soon after that, I plan on adding the ability to store PoopLog data for multiple people/pets in the same app! If you have any suggestions, comments, ideas, or any feedback at all, email me at
Sorry, no. Maybe one day.
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Currently Unavailable
enhancement: optimized Poop Type images; saving 4.6 MB
bugfix: fixed crash when attaching location on devices set to a non-english locale. Thank you for submitting the crash reports!
about: added links back to this website, changelog; added more credits
bugfix: fixed crash when opening Settings > Default Options to Display on some devices. Thank you for the bug reports!
This release took me 3+ years to complete, working a few hours every week. Most of the features are new to this version.
global: completely overhauled the interface, menus, graphics, icons, available screens, settings, options, widgets, colours, and user flow
interface: app navigation is now controlled by navigation menu (hamburger icon) in the top-left of the app. adding a new pooplog is now done via the + icon in the top-right of the app
add new pooplog: fixed poop type image selector (major bugfix: was using deprecated GalleryView) and upgraded poop type images and resolutions
add new pooplog: added 'tiny' volume amount suggested by user harriet
add new pooplog: added more options to include with each entry: location (Android 3.0+ only), color (yellow, light brown, brown, dark brown, green, yellow-green, orange, red, maroon, white, pale/clay, tarry, black), blood, mucus, urgency level, accident, evacuation completeness, prior discomfort, medication, headache, nausea, fever, backache, cramps, and corn content. add/remove options per entry can be found at the bottom of the add new pooplog page
edit entry: *new!* users can now edit any pooplog entry from the overflow menu on details page (or from the overview > recently logged card)
share entry: overhauled share entry function; upon share, user is now prompted with the available options included in the entry they would like to share (ie, entry number, location, photo, corn etc..)
overview: *new!* first screen upon opening the app is now the Overview page with a card detailing the most recently logged entry, an expandable list of the next 7 entries logged, and a Totals summary
overview: totals: *new!* Totals card displays the following: total number of entries; entries count for the morning, afternoon, and evening; most common type and volume; shortest, longest, and average time between entries, counts for each entry options logged
history: *new!* replaced view pooplog with 2 History views. users can switch between the two different history views by the relevant icon in the toolbar
history: expandable list view *new!* displays the date, day of week, type icon and description including volume; entries are separated by month, with a monthly tally on each header row
history: calendar view *new!* displays type icon on the cell for the date; if more than one entry exists on any date, the most common type will be displayed, and clicking on the date will allow the user to drill down
entry details: overhauled details page; now shows entry position and number of entries, updated poop type images; click on the photo icon to open your photo in any supported gallery app; click on the map icon to open your location in any supported maps app
reports: overhauled reports functionality completely to include more than just a single plain-text option; moved reports from settings to the navigation drawer (hamburger icon)
reports: wizard *new!* a 3-step wizard walks the user through the creation of the report; step 1: report type; step 2: report dates; step 3: report fields
reports: HTML report type *new!* this report type will output as a single .html file; if pooplog images are included with the report, they will be embedded into the html file (benefit: no external image files for your report; drawback: even with included compression, html report file size can get large with a lot of photos embedded)
reports: CSV report type *new!* by popular request, this report will output a .csv file allowing it to be shared with any spreadsheet or charting app for deeper analysis
reports: view & share report *new!* : when a report is created, you can now share and view your report in addition to just saving it. as always, saved reports can be found in the /PoopLog/Reports/
trends *new!*: by popular request, this page is available from the navigation drawer; once enough data is logged, trends will be represeted by 7 different graphs: totals by type & volume (pie charts), totals by type stacked by volume & totals by volume stacked by type (stacked bar charts), month over month for type by day & volume by day (scatter charts, modifiable months), totals by time of day (horizontal bar chart); press the volume down key on this screen to activate the material color charts easter egg; you can activate and spin the pie charts here for fun; until enough data is logged, example data will be displayed.
settings: overhauled settings completely; dual-pane support on large screens; added new settings: default options to display (when adding a new pooplog entry), default history view: list view or calendar view (default), backup & restore data, analytics
settings: defaults *new!* more default poop type and volumes when adding a new entry: most recently selected & most frequently selected (new default)
settings: passkey passkey must now be 4 digits in length (used to allow 1-4 digits); if a passkey less than 4 digits in length was set in a previous version, the passkey will not be observed in this version upon upgrade and it will need to be re-set through settings > set passkey
settings: backup & restore overhauled how backup files are created and restored; backup files are now backed up to and restored from the /PoopLog/Backups/
folder; backup files from versions prior to PoopLog version 2.5 are no longer supported (to import these files, install a previous version of PoopLog first, restore your entries, and then upgrade to the latest version
settings: analytics *new!* analytics are disabled by default; users must explicityly opt-in to analytics via the settings > analytics > opt-in checkbox; PoopLog will transmit non-identifiable usage data which will help the developer, Kevin, know which features are most popular and require further development; the information collected will never contain or pertain to user entries, and will only transmit what sections of the app the user navigates to; by design, PoopLog user data will never be transmitted outside of the app, unless an entry or report is directly shared
help & about: overhauled help &about pages; expanded on all help content; added frequently asked questions & helpful hints to help page; added credits, libraries & licensing + links to about page
add new pooplog/settings: added ability to log pain level (0-10); enable via settings > defaults > hide pain level (default: hidden)
add new pooplog: fixed bug reported by awesome user DaveB where passkey is not checked on view log from add new
view pooplog: added pain level to viewlog list and details activities
share: added pain level to share text (only if pain level is enabled)
settings: added/clarified subtext descriptions for all settings menu items
help: updated help text to include new pain level options
add new pooplog: fixed bug where 'hide descriptions' preference would reset; this option can be modified via settings > defaults > hide descriptions (default: show)
view pooplog: added ability to view relative, literal numeric, or literal word dates in the view log list; this option can be modified via settings > defaults > view log date format (default: relative)
help: added link to version history, added new feature info to help
global:updated ux across entire app
add new pooplog: created new single-screen activity encapsulating all steps (logging steps were previously separated into three activities)
add new pooplog: added ability to attach a photo to each entry (by popular request) photos are saved by default to
add new pooplog: rebuilt share function to allow for sharing of photo or text, with or without note
add new pooplog: copy to clipboard now asks to copy with or without note
add new pooplog: note now checks if it's blank before saving
view pooplog: added new icon indicators for each entry (w/ note/photo)
view pooplog: fixed bug where viewlog would crash if entry count = 0 upon deleting last entry
view pooplog: removed summary showing count/most common. this will be returning in a later version, which much more detailed information/charts
settings: added settings activity (new)
settings: added ability to set default poop type and volume when adding new pooplog
settings: added ability to show or hide step descriptions when adding new pooplog
settings: added ability to show or hide attached photos in the android gallery (via .nomedia file)
settings: passkey settings migrated from home screen > menu
settings: generate report migrated to settings > import/export
settings: added ability to include entry photo paths to generated report
settings: exported reports are now saved to
instead of
settings: added import plain-text report function for easy data migration between devices (see help for detailed information)
settings: added delete entire database function to clear all tracked data (does not delete saved photos or exported reports)
help: recreated the entire help activity and text
*PoopLog Reporting*added customizable reporting feature available from 'view pooplog' screen. generate report with or without: header, bristol stool scale, entry number, date, amount, type number, type description, attached notes, elapsed time between entries. once report is generated, you can: edit, share, copy to clipboard, save to sd
replaced view pooplog 'main menu' button with 'reporting' button
removed most activity title bars to increase app screen real estate
changed keyevent code on passkey textboxes to handle del key (not perfected yet)
added dependency for protection options in passkey preferences
added lock icon to title screen buttons if they are protected with a passkey
increased font size slightly in help/about
fixed minor bug where 'what's new' would show more than just once at initial launch
added version history to bottom of help/about
cleaned up help/about layout
created sparse summary activity/layout, added count and most common
added 1-4 digit passkey protection option (press menu at title screen)
added 'copy to clipboard' option for apps that don't allow sharing with (ie: facebook)
added explanation about lack of facebook sharing to help/about
changed help/about urls and text to be more direct/clear
added a show once 'what's new' dialog on first run after upgrade/new install
added note text to viewlog details suggested by @andrianoid
fixed note saving/display bug
allow 0 length notes in order to remove note (will replace with remove note button in future)
modified low/med/high title screen icon and title tile gfk
fixed amount screen from resetting value on rotation
fixed help/about screen from resetting scroll position on rotation
added credits and kefsco references to help/about
initial release and publication to the android market!!!
built viewlog listactivity, shows relevant data instead of raw data (implemented custom cursoradapdter)
built viewlog onclick to open details with edit/add note, share, delete
themed viewlog to match rest of application, added background gradients, icons, note indicator
added main menu and summary buttons to bottom of viewlog
unable to view log unless entry count is greater than 0
started logging changes
added comments to java code
removed quit buttons
using sharedprefs to store data between activities, rather than getExtras/putExtras
share button now working to share text intent
added subject to share intent
alternate main screen p/l layouts
streamlined all layouts
view log works, but is useless. next version to have updated view log.
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